local time on June 21, Iraqi husband Najaf, Iraqi security forces to hold the parade. According to foreign reports, Iraq's senior Shiite cleric Grand 阿拉亚图希斯 Thani (Ali al-Sistani) 20, said the Sunni "jihad" must be expelled from the Iraqi insurgents.
BEIJING, June 23 Xinhua comprehensive foreign media reports, in the part of security forces to leave Iraq, Sunni insurgents lose ground in western Iraq. Two cities in the West and Anaheim Ryan Watts, the militants shot dead 21 people.
reported that 21 militants after the occupation of the two towns, the first shot of some people, others were executed the next day.
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According to British media quoted sources as saying that cheap national team soccer jerseys Sunni militants had occupied a border post at the border of Iraq and Syria. Militants from the extremist organization "Iraqi and Lebanese Islamic country where Argenteuil" (ISIS) led to sneak into the Iraqi town of Qaim near the Syrian border and occupied the local, get rid of the local army in charge of security.
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Syrian Human Rights Watch said the head of Lamy, ISIS militants in Syria over the past few days in many parts of the eastern front of the victory of people crowding out, they occupied Qaim will allow them to quickly enter Syria.
located 200 kilometers north of Baghdad, Iraq's largest refinery in Baiji has become a battlefield. A spokesman for the Iraqi army's overall commander, said the evening of 20, three offensive against the Baiji refinery was repulsed, more than 70 militants were killed and more than 15 cars were destroyed.
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Iraq, U.S. President Barack Obama has sent 300 U.S. Special military advisers to assist the Iraqi government to recapture the fall area. But he has no approved the implementation of the Iraqi government asked the United States to request air strikes Sunni insurgents, but Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has repeatedly called for more action to eliminate domestic sectarian divisions.
According to reports, U.S. Secretary of State visit in Egypt Kerry said the United States urged Iraqi leaders attach importance to the sectarian issue, multi-dialogue with the people. He also said the United States should not be responsible for the current crisis.
from last week, Iraqi security forces and anti-government armed violent conflict broke out, the 10th and the 11th the rebels have occupied the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and Tikrit important in the country and more and Iraqi security forces outbreak of violent conflict, a sharp deterioration in the security situation in Iraq.
(Original title: Iraqi insurgents west conquering army "tactical" withdrawal)